Bid Documents in Scope Sheets (Contracting)

In Ediphi, you have the ability to define either Project Bid Documents or Trade Bid Documents within the Scope Sheet of your project.

Each differ in that:

  • Project Bid Documents are applicable to all the Bid Groups under the Contracting section of your project, meaning any scope bid documents you add within this section in a Bid Scope, will be reflected in all other Bid Scopes.

    For example: If you had a project with the following scopes: Demolition, Concrete, and Surveying, and you were to add "Concrete Beams" under Project Bid Documents within the Concrete scope, you will also see "Concrete Beams" added to the Demolition and Surveying scopes.

  • Trade Bid Documents are applicable only to that specific Bid Group under the Contracting section of your project, meaning any scope bid documents you add within this section in a Bid Scope, will only apply within that specific Bid Scope.

    Using the same example above: If you were to add "Concrete Beams" under Trade Bid Documents within the Concrete scope, you will not see "Concrete Beams" under Demolition and/or Surveying scopes; just under the Concrete one.

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