Detailed Summary Variance Report
For the Schedule of Values Variance Report article, please click here.
At Ediphi, we recognize the importance of providing users with a more detailed perspective on the changes occurring across various versions of estimates, as well as among different estimates within the same project. This enhanced visibility can assist users in gaining deeper insights into the underlying reasons behind fluctuations in project totals as milestones are achieved.
That is why we offer the Detailed Summary Variance Report feature to complement our Schedule of Values Variance Report feature. The Detailed Summary Variance Report will assist users in better preparing themselves to provide an explanation of the why when requested by an Owner, and help them better tell the cost story of a project by providing them with the why behind cost variances from one milestone to another.
In this article
- Does the Variance Report solely compare the most recent iteration of the estimates?
For your baseline estimate, the platform will automatically use the current version you are working on (also known as live), however when selecting the other estimate you’d like to compare it to, you’ll have the option to select the specific version of that estimate you want to compare, if applicable.
You can always load up an older version of your baseline estimate so that it becomes your "live" one, prior to opening the Variance Report export feature if desired.
- Can I compare estimates from a different project?
No. The Variance Report only works within the same project where you select your baseline estimate from.
- Can I download a PDF version of the Variance Report?
The Variance Report is available for download exclusively in Excel format. However, if you prefer a PDF version, we suggest utilizing Excel's functionality to convert workbooks into PDFs.
- Can I set the specific Grouping I want to see in the Variance Report?
Yes! The grouping for the Variance Report is extracted from the baseline estimate in the user interface (UI) - the estimate from which you are generating the report. Therefore, the grouping you have defined in that estimate will be reflected in the Variance Report export. Note that you can have up to 4 groupings at a time.
- I don’t see the columns from my Managed Views in my export. Why?
The Detailed Summary Variance Report only captures the data up to the Use Group columns, so any columns added from the Managed Views feature will not export with the report. This means that within your Variance Report, you will see the following columns: Order, Description, Quantity (Qty.), Unit of Measurement (UM), Total Unit Cost (UC), Total, and Use Group Totals. You will also see a Delta column that's specific to the Variance Report.
- How do we determine which use groups are equivalent?
If there are multiple of the same use groups, we will match equivalence as follows:
- If 1 of a certain use group,
- We will align the corresponding use groups between Estimate A and Estimate B. For instance, if there is an Apartments use group in Estimate A but not in Estimate B, we will display the Apartments columns and totals for Estimate A in the Variance Report. Similarly, we will present the Apartments columns and totals for Estimate B in the variance report, with all values set to 0.
- If 2 or more of a given use group,
- If 2 or more use groups with no labels:
- The equivalence will be determined based solely on the order of use group 1 in Estimate A and use group 1 in Estimate B.
- If 2 or more use groups with labels (or a mix of some with labels and some without):
- If they have the identical EXACT label name, including case sensitivity, across both estimates, then they are considered equivalent and will be compared.
- If they don’t have a label, we'll match the use groups that are the same without the label and they will be equivalent.
- If 2 or more use groups with no labels:
- How do we determine which line items are equivalent?
- If the line items are from the same estimate (i.e. you are comparing two versions of the same estimate), the line item IDs will be the same, and we will match the line items.
- If the line items are from different estimates of the same project, then equivalence will be determined by:
- If Order Number, Name (Description), and Use Group are the same, then they are considered equivalent.
- If the Order Number, Name (Description), and Use Group do not match, they are considered non-equivalent and will be treated as separate line items.
- What do the colors mean in my export?
Light Grey will reflect all data from the comparison estimate.
Blue will reflect the Delta between estimates.
Yellow will reflect changes made to a line item between the baseline estimate and the comparison estimate.
Green will reflect line items added under the baseline estimate that weren’t on the comparison estimate.
Red will reflect line items that are no longer in the baseline estimate, that were under the comparison estimate.
Using the Detailed Summary Variance Report feature
Obtaining your Detailed Summary Variance Report is easy. Simply follow these steps:
- Proceed to the particular estimate you wish to use as the baseline for your Variance Report. Once you are in your estimate, under the Estimate tab, select Detailed Summary. Locate the Exports option at the top right of the screen. You will find the option to Export Variance Report. Click on it.
A pop-up window will appear displaying two sections: the Baseline Estimate section and the Comparison Estimate section. The Baseline Estimate section will always present you the "live" version (meaning the current estimate you have loaded in your screen), and you'll have the option to select the Report Type. Click on Detailed Summary.
Meanwhile, in the Comparison Estimate section, you will be able to choose the particular Estimate and Version you wish to compare with your Baseline.
Pro Tip: You can always obtain a Variance Report from the same estimate you are using as your Baseline, provided that the estimate in question has multiple versions created within it.
- Once you select the specific estimate and version you’d like to compare your Baseline to, click Export.
Pro Tip: When looking at Comparison Estimates above, the term "Live" refers to any modifications that were most recently applied to that particular estimate without creating a saved version of it.
A Detailed Summary file will be generated and downloaded to your computer. You can then open and view it in Excel. The Detailed summary will juxtapose your Baseline Estimate with your selected Comparison Estimate, allowing for a side-by-side comparison of line items. Additionally, it will include a Delta section for you to analyze the discrepancies between the two.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team and we'll be happy to help!