Unit Swapping in Schedule of Values

Unit Swapping in your Schedule of Values goes in hand with Unit Specs. We highly recommend setting up Unit Specs if you haven’t done so already for your company before continuing. The Units that appear in the Schedule of Values will persist based on these settings and will show up in any exports.

The advantage of Unit Swapping is having the ability to view the cost per the Unit Spec that is most relevant to a particular Use Group. For example, for a Hotel Use Group, it may be important to view the Cost Per Key, while for a Data Center, it may be more relevant to view the Cost Per Kilowatt. Similarly, for an Apartment, it may be necessary to view the Cost Per Unit, and so on.

How to Unit Swap

In order to swap Units within your Schedule of Values, first find the "Cost / Unit" column within each Use Group. Then, click on the ellipses next to it. Select each Unit option that appears in the drop-down list, and notice the data changing based on the Unit selected.

For each Unit Spec that you swap to, the platform will calculate the total for that line item by dividing it by the count of that Unit, shown in gray at the top of the column.


  • Unit swaps are associated with user settings, so any modifications made in the SOV will persist even if you leave the page or switch to another tab.
  • Swapping the units within the SOV also affects how they are displayed within Markups. Unit Specs cannot be swapped in Markups; what you see in markups is a direct reflection of your SOV.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team and we'll be happy to help!

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