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What is the UPC?

The UPC (Unit Price Catalog) is Ediphi's central database for tracking the price of all the different products in every scope of work that goes into a project. Ediphi’s UPC allows you to use regionally specific pricing to accurately track these prices.

The UPC is one of the most powerful aspects of Ediphi because it allows you to track pricing discrepancies across all of your current projects, and compare them to historical data from past projects by coding each unique product with a standardized name, price, unit of measurement, and Product ID.

What is Historical Pricing?

Ediphi provides you with valuable data like Average Price, Median Price, and it also allows you to factor in escalation and filter your cost by Region. In order to view this information, you can always right click on the specific product, and then click on “Historical Pricing”.

Historical Pricing also allows you to scroll through and see every single project that this product has been used on, as well as all of the different naming used. All of this is possible thanks to the unique ID the product is tied to.

Can you edit the cost of a UPC when added to your Estimate?

You can always change the total Unit Cost by clicking on the Total UC box of the specific product you’d like to edit, changing the value, and pressing Enter.

If you ever want to create a new product to track pricing separately from what’s provided in the UPC, you can right click on the product, and select Duplicate Line Item.

Once that duplicate is created, you can then right click on it, and select Unlink from UPC Product.

This will allow the product to become “Custom”, and any changes you make here don’t get captured for historical pricing (the data for that product is not being tracked at all).

Now, if you want to track this Custom product as a new product, you can right click on it and select Add to my UPC

What is myUPC?

myUPC is your way of creating and tracking customized line items. You can add a product to your UPC, and then use this product on any estimate given you saved it and started to track its pricing in your own personal UPC.

If you go to Add Line Items and search for that custom product, it will appear given it was saved to your personal UPC, and it will let you add it to estimates as needed.

Yes you can! You can right click on the Custom product and select Link UPC Product. You will then be able to search and select the specific product you’d like to link it to. Once that’s done, any changes to your newly created Custom product will be captured in the data set of the original product.

Can you swap UPC products?

If at any point you would rather use the original UPC rather than the Custom one you created/saved, you can go to the product in question, right-click and select Swap UPC Product

Search and select the UPC product. The UPC product you selected will replace the one you previously had in that estimate. You’ll always be able to tell the difference because of the Source (it will change from “Custom” to “UPC”)

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact our support team and we'll be happy to help!

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