Quantity Formula

The quantity formula is one of Ediphi's most useful tools. When looking at your estimate in the platform, anywhere you see a blue “potion” icon, you’ll find a quantity formula.

In this article

How can you add a quantity formula?

To add a quantity formula, you can right click on the product you want to add a formula to, and select the Edit Quantity Formula option.

A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to create a formula for this product with any Values (like Area, Metric, Number, etc.) and Operators (Add, Subtract, Divide, etc.) you’d like.

How can you edit a quantity formula?

You can edit a quantity formula at any point in time by clicking on the blue “potion” icon. A pop-up window will appear displaying the automatic formula created in the platform based on the product.

To edit an equation, or add elements to it, you can click on the blue + button located on the top right, or by using your keyboard and hitting Ctrl + Enter. You can also remove these boxes at any point in time by clicking on the X next to the box in question, or by hitting Delete on your keyboard.

If you’ve made any changes that you’d like to save, be sure to click on the Save button; otherwise, if you click Close or close the screen, none of your changes will be saved.

How can you delete a quantity formula?

If at any point in time you want to delete a quantity formula, you can right click on the box where the formula is located (or the product where this formula is located), and select the Clear Quantity Formula option. Note that the blue “potion” icon will disappear meaning that the value in that product is no longer being provided by a formula.

Note: If you want to fully zero out the quantity of a product, you will need to select the quantity box of that product, either enter “0” or hit Delete on your keyboard, and then press Enter.

Value Cheat Sheet


  • Value (Number only)
  • UM (Unit of measurement)
  • (Option to Add If/Else Condition)
  • (Ability to Round quantity)


  • Number (Number only)
  • (Option to Add If/Else Condition)
  • (Ability to Round quantity)


  • From (Select a floor)
  • To (Select a floor)
  • Column (from Area)
  • (Option to Add If/Else Condition)
  • (Ability to Round quantity)

Line Item

  • Estimate Use Group (Select use group)
  • Estimate Line Item (Select line item)
  • (Option to Add If/Else Condition)
  • (Ability to Round quantity)


  • Geometry Worksheet (Select a geometry worksheet)
  • Calculation (Select a calculation)
  • Column (Select a column [Width, Length, Height, etc.])
  • (Option to Add If/Else Condition)
  • (Ability to Round quantity)


  • Column (Unit counts [Beds, Baths, etc.])
  • (Option to Add If/Else Condition)
  • (Ability to Round quantity)


  • Room (Select room)
  • Column (Select column [Perimeter, Height, etc.])
  • (Option to Add If/Else Condition)
  • (Ability to Round quantity)

Active Floor

  • Estimate Use Group (Select use group)
  • Column (Select column [Floor Count, Floor Area, Floor to Floor, etc.])
  • (Option to Add If/Else Condition)
  • (Ability to Round quantity)

Vertical Transportation

  • Transportation (Select vertical transportation [All Stairs, All Elevators, All Escalators])
  • Column (Select column [Floor Count, Floor to Floor, Floor Perimeter])
  • (Option to Add If/Else Condition)
  • (Ability to Round quantity)


  • Estimate Attribute (Select an attribute)
  • (Option to Add If/Else Condition)
  • (Ability to Round quantity)


  • Line Items Category (Select a Line Item category)
  • (Option to Add If/Else Condition)
  • (Ability to Round quantity)

Operator Cheat Sheet

+ (Add)

  • Calculates the sum of two values

- (Subtract)

  • Calculates the difference of two values

÷ (Divide)

  • Divide its values

x (Multiply)

  • Multiply its values

^ (Exponentiation)

  • Raises a number to the power of a specific number

() (Open Parenthesis and Closed Parenthesis)

  • Specifies that the expressions within the open parenthesis and close parenthesis are evaluated first. All other expressions are evaluated using standard operator precedence.

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