Request Add to Central UPC

In Ediphi, a Non-Admin user has the ability to request a line item to be added to the main or central UPC from their own list of items (My UPC). We will cover the steps on how to request and approve line items to be added to the UPC.

In this article

How to Request a Line Item be Added to the Central UPC

Within an Ediphi project, Non-Admin users with Write permissions to Estimates have the ability to add a line item and request it be added to the Central UPC.

Note: Admins can always add items to the UPC without requesting.

  1. Open any Estimate of your choosing.
  2. Within the Line Items tab, right-click any existing line item.
  3. Click on Insert Line Item.
  4. A new line item will appear titled [New Item].
  5. Double-click the item's Description, and rename it as needed. Click away to save the edit.
  6. Right-click the newly created item.
  7. Select "Add To My UPC" or "Add Selected Line Items To My UPC".
  8. Click on the UPC tab at the top right in the menu bar.
  9. You will see the line item(s) that you have added to your own UPC.
  10. Right-click the line item you wish to request to be added, and select Request Add to Central UPC.
  11. The status will now be "Pending Approval" awaiting an Admin to approve or delete the submitted line item.

How to Approve a Line Item be Added to the Central UPC

Within Ediphi, Admin users have the ability to Approve requested line items be added to the Central UPC.

  1. Click on UPC at the top right in the menu bar (you can do this from any area in Ediphi).
  2. On the top left, select the blue button Show Pending Approval. All pending line items will appear at the top of the UPC list.
  3. Right-click the line items that will be approved or deleted.
  4. Select "Add Products to Central UPC" or "Delete Products".
  5. If approved and added to the Central UPC, the items will now be listed as active products.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team and we'll be happy to help!

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