Exporting Line Items
Within Ediphi, in the Estimates module, you have the ability to export line items from one estimate to another to help streamline your process. Think of this as a way to copy and paste line items.
Here's how to do it:
- Within the Estimates tab of your project, click on the Detailed Summary tab or the Line Items tab.
- Select the line items you wish to export. If you need to export multiple line items, you can do so by holding down SHIFT or CTRL on your keyboard. If using Mac, substitute CTRL for CMD (Command ⌘).
- Right-click on one of the selected line items.
- Click Export Line Items.
- Choose the Destination Project and Destination Estimate (the project/estimate you would like to copy the line items to).
- Click the Export Line Items button.
- If you go to the Estimate you sent the line items to, you'll notice that they are now listed there.
Pro Tip: You do not have the ability to export line items into a Locked Estimate. You must unlock these estimates before exporting line items into them.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team and we’ll be happy to help!