Using the GR Labor tab (GCs & GRs)

Here’s how to use the GR Labor tab within the General Condition & General Requirements (GCs & GRs) section in Ediphi.

In this article

Adding a GR Labor Category

  1. In the GCs & GRs section of your project, under the GR Labor tab, click +Add.

  1. A new category will appear. Click on “(New Category)” to give this category a name, then click away to save.

Duplicating a GR Labor Category

  1. In the GCs & GRs section of your project, under the GR Labor tab, right-click on the category you want to duplicate. Click Duplicate Category.

  1. A new duplicate will be created for the category, with a “(duplicate)” attached to it. If desired, click on the category name to change it, then click away to save.

Removing a GR Labor Category

  1. In the GCs & GRs section of your project, under the GR Labor tab, right-click on the category you want to remove. Click Delete Category.

  1. The platform will ask you to confirm this action. Click Confirm.

Adding a Crew to a Category

  1. In the GCs & GRs section of your project, under the GR Labor tab, double-click the cell under the Crew column, and select (Add New Crew).

  1. Add a Crew Key (an Identifier), and a Crew Name.

  1. Select a Labor type, and enter the desired Regular Time, Overtime, and Double-time (if applicable) of the selected Labor type.

  1. Click Save.

Note: For more information on how the GR Labor tab calculates totals, please view our GCs & GRs Formula Guide article.

Removing a Crew from a Category

  1. In the GCs & GRs section of your project, under the GR Labor tab, right-click on the crew you want to remove. Click Delete crew allocation.

  1. The platform will ask you to confirm this action. Click Confirm.

GR Labor Helpful Tips

  • All GR Labor Categories will be displayed in the GRs Detail tab under the Labor Items section.

  • You have the ability to create Versions within GCGRs.

  • The Index column is showing weeks in a numerical value.

  • Like in other areas throughout Ediphi, you have the ability to drag values to bulk add/edit cells within the GR Labor tab.

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