Using the Rooms tab in an Estimate

(As of September 11, 2023, the Finish tab has been renamed to Rooms. View our Release Note)

In this article

We’ll go over some of the basics of the Rooms tab. To start out, ensure that you’ve selected the correct Use Group that you want to work on:

Adding a Room

You can always add a new Room in the Schedule tab by selecting the + sign located in the Rooms section.

You’ll then be prompted to enter the title/description of the Room that you’d like to add (required), as well as the Perimeter, Area Average, Quantity, and/or Height (if applicable). You also have the option to add several Rooms at once by click on Add Room. Once you've input the information, you can click on Save.

Geometry Tab

When we open up the Geometry tab, you’ll have the option to include that Room’s Perimeter, Average Area, Quantity (if there are multiple Rooms), and the Height

Finishes Tab

From there, we can look at the Finishes tab, where we can add the appropriate Finishes for our Walls, Floors, Ceilings, etc. You can always add Finishes by clicking on the + sign of the cell in question. (You can also copy another cell by selecting it, hitting Ctrl + C to copy it, and then select the box for the Room you’d like to work on and hit Ctrl + V). 

Another thing you can do is grab the bottom right corner of the box you’d like to use and drag it down, and that will bring whatever is in the box above it to the boxes below it.

Additionally, we can always add new Finishes by going to the Keys Configurations tab, and clicking the + next to Keys, and in this page you can see them totaled across all of the different Rooms.

Line Items

Once that’s all done, we can go back to the Schedule tab, where we’ll have the option of adding any number of line items that we want within this Room. You can always add line items by clicking on the + sign next to Line Items.

Just as you would on the Line Items page, you can create quantity formulas by hitting = and Enter on your keyboard, and creating equations to calculate the correct quantity of any line item you’d like.

Duplicate a Room

If you ever want to duplicate a Room, you can right-click on the specific Room and choose the Duplicate Room option from the dropdown menu.

A pop-up will appear asking you to choose the destination Use Group for this duplicate Room. Always make sure to check that you’re copying it to the correct Use Group. You can choose from any of the Use Groups that you have in your estimate, or keep it in the Current Use Group and click on Duplicate.

This duplicate will include the same Geometry, the same Finishes, and all of the same quantity formulas in the line items.

Delete a Room

If you ever want to delete a Room, you can right-click on the specific Room and choose the Delete Room option from the dropdown menu.

A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm you want to delete the Room. Click on "Confirm".

The Room will be removed. Please note that this action cannot be undone.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team and we’ll be happy to help!

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