Line Item Dependents

Within Ediphi, users have the capability to associate the quantity of a line item with another line item using quantity formulas. This process establishes an automated dependency that enhances efficiency and saves time during estimate modifications.

In this article

How to Set a Dependency

In order to make line items dependent on the quantity of another line item, the initial step is to access the item's quantity formula. This can be done by clicking on the blue potion icon, or right-clicking on the item and choosing Edit Quantity Formula, or by entering = in the Quantity cell and then hitting Enter on your keyboard.

Upon the appearance of the quantity formula modal, you will have the option to choose the Line Item value. This selection will enable you to specify the Estimate Use Group where the line item is situated (or you can choose All), and then proceed to type in and select the particular Estimate Line Item you wish to link.

Once you have selected the desired line item, click Save. This line item is now dependent on the quantity of the other line item.

How to View Dependents

To access a line item's Dependents, simply right-click on the specific line item and choose the option Show Dependents.

Once chosen, a pop-up will display, presenting all the line items that utilize the quantity of this particular line item in a formula.

Things to Note

  • If a user tries to delete a line item that has dependencies, the platform will show you a pop-up stating “This line item is referenced in formulas. Are you sure you want to delete?" And will contain a list of all the line items that are dependent to the line item that’s being deleted.

    If the user still goes ahead and deletes this line item with dependencies, then the formulas within those dependent line items will break (meaning, the blue potion icon will become a red potion icon) and they will need to be manually corrected.

Pro Tip: You can always easily find all the line items within your estimate with broken formulas, by going to the Line Items view and under the Formula Status filter, selecting Broken.

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