Updating Line Item Reporting Types (GCs & GRs)

In Ediphi, within the GCs Detail and GRs Detail tab under the GCs & GRs module, you have the option to change the line item reporting type. Here’s how to change the reporting type in both instances:

  1. Under the Reporting Type column, double-click on the cell you want to update, to open a drop down.

  1. Select the Reporting Type you prefer. 

Once you select a type, the changes will automatically take place.

Note: If you select a Bid Package under Reporting Type and want those values to show on the estimate, you must first link the GCGR to that estimate. Look over our Linking GCs & GRs and Estimates article to see how to link GCGRs to estimates.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team and we’ll be happy to help!

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