Using GCs Detail and GRs Detail (GCs & GRs)

Within the Detail tabs of General Conditions & General Requirements (GCs & GRs), there will be line item views showing GCGR Groups broken out. This article will show you how to use GCs & GRs and how they are linked throughout the module.

In this article

GCs Detail and GRs Detail Overview

The GCs & GRs Detail tabs are line item views broken out by GCGR Group. In both tabs you have the ability to add line items which can be used on a linked estimate, if needed.

  • The Reporting Type column shows where this line item is going to be allocated; either a Bid Package, GC, or GR. See our Updating Line Item Reporting Types article for more information. If you choose to allocate the line item to a Bid Package and also linked your GCGR to an estimate, this line item will show in the estimate as a line item sourced from a GCGR.

  • After Linking a GCGR to an Estimate, your GCs & GRs will show in the Estimate Markup tab.
  • If you have a GCGR Group that is unwanted, you can delete this by deleting the line items under it.

  • You can calculate values via columns like Quantity and Total UC using Quantity Formulas.
  • Crews created from the Labor Gantt tab or GR Labor tab will show in the GRs Detail tab under the Labor Items section.

Pro Tip: We recommend adding all GCGR line items in the GCs & GRs Detail tabs and pushing that to your linked estimate rather than adding the GCGR line items from the estimate to prevent duplicates and overlapping of entries.

Adding Line Items

Within both the GCs & GRs Detail tabs you have the ability to add line items to GCGR Groups and assign GCGR Types. You have two options when adding line items: Add from UPC and Add custom.

Add from UPC

  1. Open a GCGR.
  2. Click on GCs Detail or GRs Detail.
  3. Hover over Add Line Items in the top left.
  4. Select Add from UPC.
  5. The "Select from UPC" window will pop up.
  6. You can filter by either Type or Group on the left.
  7. Select the checkboxes of the items you wish to add to your GCs or GRs Detail Line Items.
  8. Click on Add Selected Products.
  9. If there are no other line items you wish to add, select Review Products.
  10. The next page will show all selected items to be added.
  11. Click on Add Line Items.
  12. All added line items will now show under their respective Detail tab.

Add custom

  1. Open a GCGR.
  2. Click on GCs Detail or GRs Detail.
  3. Hover over Add Line Items in the top left.
  4. Select Add custom.
  5. You will see required and optional fields in this window.
  6. Fill this out and select Save.
  7. You will see this added line item listed under the GCGR Group you selected.

Note: If you are a Non-admin user and wish to use your UPC items from "myUPC", those items must be requested to be added to the Central UPC and approved by an Admin before they can be chosen from the "Add from UPC" option. See our Request Add to Central UPC article for more information.

Report tab

The Report tab is linked to multiple tabs within the GCs & GRs module. Here are a few areas of importance:

  • The Total Cost of Precon Staff and Construction Staff will be the total of all staff added in the Staffing tab. This includes all added Phases as well.
  • After creating and assigning your line items to a GCGR Type, the value will show in the Report tab under either General Conditions or General Requirements (depending on which type you choose for the line item).

  • The middle section of the Report tab is important if you have linked the GCGR to an estimate. This section will show the total Markup value for both GCs and GRs as well as totals for the line items allocated to a Bid Package on that linked estimate.

  • The bottom section of the Report tab shows your project dates and total contract value.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team and we'll be happy to help!

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