Creating Keys for Finish Schedule (UPC)

In Ediphi, Admins have the ability to add products to the UPC for use as Keys in the Finish Schedule of Rooms. To accomplish this, these items must be assigned a type within the UPC. This article will outline the necessary steps to complete this process.

  1. Click on the UPC button located on the top right of your screen. (See our Creating a Product in the UPC article to learn how to add a product to the UPC)
  2. After creating or importing your products, you will want to enter a value under the Item Code and UoM columns for these products so the Key can be identified later on.

  3. The most important column is Type. Double-click the cell for the specific product under that column.
  4. Select the finish that aligns to this product:
    1. Base
    2. Ceiling
    3. Floor
    4. Any Finish
    5. Walls

After linking your products to Finish Types, you can now go into your Estimate within Ediphi.

  1. On the left hand side, select Key Configurations under Rooms.
  2. Under the Keys section, select the + to add a new Key.

  3. A pop-up will appear showing all available Keys from the UPC. Click the checkboxes of all the Keys you would like to add, then click on Add Selected Products. You'll be asked to Review the products to ensure they are correct before adding; at which point you can click Add Line Items.

  1. These items will now show as Keys, and can be used in the Finishes tab of Rooms under Schedule.
  2. Click on Schedule under Rooms and expand the Finishes tab. After adding Rooms to this section, select the Blue Plus Sign or the Blue Cog Icon to add Keys to the Finish tab.

  1. A window will appear to select one or multiple Keys. Select the Keys you need, and then Save.

Note: If you assigned "Any Finish" as the Type in the UPC for your Key, said Key can be used in any Finish category within that table.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team and we'll be happy to help!

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