Bid Leveling in Ediphi (Contracting)

Within Ediphi, users have the capability to compare subcontractor bids for similar scopes of work using Scope & Buy Sheets. This functionality enables informed decision-making when awarding projects. This process may also be referred to as Bid Leveling.

In this article

Scope Sheets

Within Contracting, you have have two main areas of focus for Bid Leveling: Scope and Buy Sheets. Scope Sheets are your scratch pads per Bid Package for comparing bids of like-kind and organizing your data.

Sheet Legend & Totals

Upon opening a Scope Sheet, you will find your project name and the current Bid Package in the top left corner. Within this page, the Sheet Legend is located on the left, displaying the carried bidder, the grand total of that bidder, the bidder's base bid, and all added plugs. Several important points should be noted here:

  • When selecting a bidder from the Bidders tab in the Scope or Buy Sheet, the bidder's Grand Total will be displayed at the top of the Sheet Legend. We refer to this in the platform as "Carry", or carrying the bidder.

  • Everything in the Sheet Legend lines up to the Estimate tab and Bidders tab to better show the values entered under each tab (Takeoff tab will pull in estimate data under the Scope of Work section when you add those line items).

  • In the Scope or Buy sheet, bidders can be awarded by first marking the bidder (checkbox) and then selecting the "Award" button in the Sheet Legend. Once awarded, all other bidders will be greyed out in the Bidders tab.

  • The Sheet Legend contains detailed information for this specific Bid Package/Scope Sheet, beginning with the Bid Documents. These details are categorized into sections containing scope items. Plugs can be filled in per scope item under the Estimate tab and the Bidders tab across the page.

Bid Documents

Project Bid Documents: These documents are applicable to all Bid Packages/Groups under the Contracting section of your project.

Trade Bid Documents: These documents are applicable only to that specific Bid Package/Group under the Contracting section of your project.

Spec Sections: These documents can be created under the Spec Sections tab and are applicable to all Bid Packages/Groups under the Contracting section of your project.

Note: Like in other sections of the Scope Sheet, you can allocate these line items to Use Groups via the blue icon on each line item. See the Use Groups section for more information.

General Requirements

Project General Requirements: These GRs are applicable to all Bid Packages/Groups under the Contracting section of your project.

Trade General Requirements: These GRs are applicable only to that specific Bid Package/Group under the Contracting section of your project.

Scope of Work

This section will be for your estimate line items that fall under the same Bid Package. Here you can add Scope Items as well as Headings to split up your items. Once the items are added, you can start adding plugs on the Estimate & Bidders tabs per line item and use the Takeoff tab for your Quantity, UoM, and Unit Cost. See Plug Tips to learn more about plugs.

Use Groups

This section has 2 parts: Base Bid Breakdown and Total Breakdown (Including Plugs). All Use Groups are brought over from the Estimate (if doing a Contracting Export), but you have the ability to add more in this view by clicking on Manage Use Groups on the top right. Every section that has blue icons per line item can be allocated to Use Groups.

Trade Group Breakouts

This section is primarily used to track unit costs or specific line items you want the sub/bidder to price. Like in other sections, you can allocate these line items to Use Groups via the blue icon on each line item. See the Use Groups section for more information.


Project Alternates: These alternates are applicable to all Bid Packages/Groups under the Contracting section of your project. Project Alternates will show in the Schedule of Values under the Alternates tab.

Trade Alternates: These alternates are applicable only to that specific Bid Package/Group under the Contracting section of your project.

Trade Cleanups

This section has 2 parts: Carry and Adjustment. Here you can add cleanup costs (typically lump sum) per bidder as well as the Estimate tab to compare between them.


This section will show any added Attributes from your estimate. If you would like to add more Attributes, you can select the Add button in this section. Like in other sections, you can allocate these line items to Use Groups via the blue icon on each line item. See the Use Groups section for more information.

Unit Pricing

This section is used for specific requests regarding unit pricing on the Bid Package or from the owner if there needs to be additions or deductions.

Diversity Certifications

This section is used to list your Diversity Certifications used for your project/company. If there are requirements for your project, you can allocate them here.

Buy Sheets

The other primary area of focus for Bid Leveling is Buy Sheets. Buy Sheets refer to the finalized Scope Sheets containing specific information intended for the owner/client. The Buy Sheet conceals all sections that were left unfilled in the Scope Sheet, resulting in a more streamlined and organized document.

Sheet Legend & Totals

Upon opening a Buy Sheet, you will find the project name and the Bid Package you are currently working on in the top left corner. Within this page, you will also find the Sheet Legend at the top left, displaying information about the carried bidder, the grand total of that bidder, the bidder's base bid, and all added Holds & Allowances. It is important to note a few things here:

  • When carrying (checkbox) a bidder from the Bidders tab in the Scope or Buy Sheet, the bidder's Grand Total will show at the top of the Sheet Legend.

  • Everything in the Sheet Legend lines up to the Bidders tab to better show the values entered (Estimate and Takeoff tabs do not show in Buy Sheets).

  • Bidders can be awarded in the Scope or Buy sheet by first carrying (checkbox) the bidder and then selecting the "Award" button in the Sheet Legend. After awarding, all other bidders will become greyed out in the Bidders tab.

  • You have the option to exclude bidders from showing in the Buy Sheet from the Scope Sheet.
  • Under the Sheet Legend are the details entered in the Scope Sheet. There are 2 new sections within this sheet: Buy and Budget.


This section is for targeted buys, buy savings, actual buys, as well as, Holds & Allowances from Scope of Work line items on the Scope Sheet.

For Buy Savings and Actual Buys to be calculated, you must have a Best & Final Bid in place. To do this, you will select the money sign ($) on the Buy line for the designated bidder. Here you will add in an amount for Best & Final, click Add, then Save. The Schedule of Values Purchasing tab will then show an Actual Buy percentage from the Best & Final Bid.


This section shows Use Groups, Alternates, and Attributes brought over from the Scope Sheet.

Helpful Tips

General Tips

  • You can quickly change the Bid Package by clicking on the Bid Package name to open the dropdown selection or by clicking the arrows to go to the next Bid Package.

  • You can edit the Bid Package name from the Scope or Buy Sheet by clicking the pen icon above the Sheet Legend.

  • Bid Document line items cannot have a BP plug as that will error on the Buy Sheet.

  • As mentioned above, every line item that has a blue icon can be allocated to Use Groups. For example, you can split up one line item into 3 Use Groups by percentages.

Plug Tips

You can add plugs for Bid Documents, General Requirements, and Scope of Work items. When adding plugs per bidder per line item within the Scope Sheet, you may be wondering what each plug means. Here is a quick guide:

  • BP: GC's Bid Plugs. This is a cost confirmation from the GC.
  • SP: Subcontractor's Bid Plugs. This is a cost confirmation from the Sub.
  • Y: Yes, the bidder will handle this item or currently has this ordered/paid for.
  • NA: Not Applicable on this Scope Sheet/Bid Package. The bidder/sub will not work on this item or it does not apply to them.
  • No With: This Scope of Work line item is not with this Bid Package/Scope Sheet, it is with another Bid Package/Scope Sheet.
    • For example, this line item is with Plumbing, not Electrical (your current sheet). You chose "No With" on a line item in the Electrical Bid Package/Scope Sheet, therefore this line item has been pushed to the Plumbing Bid Package/Scope Sheet. On the Plumbing Bid Package/Scope Sheet, this item will now show as "Coordination - Electrical" in the section on the left.
    • When you use "No With" on a line item, this pushes it to the selected Bid Package/Scope Sheet. You will not be able to push again on the selected Bid Package to the third Bid Package. You must go back to the original Bid Package/Scope Sheet to push to the desired Bid Package.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team and we'll be happy to help!

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