Ediphi Estimates Views

In Ediphi, within the Estimates module, there are 4 main views: Detailed Summary, Line Items, Schedule of Values, and Markups. With the same functionality, each view has an updated grid to further enhance the user experience with improved performance and table responsiveness.. We have detailed the new capabilities within each view below.

For all other functionality for Estimates, please see our Using Estimates article.

In this article

Detailed Summary

Old view

New view

What's new in Detailed Summary:

  • Ability to enter summary level Quantity and UoM values per Grouping (overline edits).

  • When you select a line item, the row will highlight across the page, allowing for better accuracy and readability.

  • Ability to highlight a range of line items to either bulk edit or see the selected total. Additionally, you can copy the selected range of line items and paste them into a workbook like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. See our Keyboard Shortcuts article to learn more about different key clicks for multi-selecting.

  • Ability to drag and drop columns to re-order them.

  • Ability to configure pinned columns. You can unpin the columns by hovering over each header and selecting the ellipses to open the menu.

  • Ability to resize columns.

  • Ability to move about your headers using the arrow keys.

  • When you leave this view, the format will persist. For example, the groupings will be maintained and line items that are collapsed or expanded will remain the same when you re-open the view.

Line items

Old view

New view

What's new in Line Items:

  • Ability to drag and drop columns to re-order them.

  • Ability to configure pinned columns. You can unpin the columns by hovering over each header and selecting the ellipses to open the menu.

  • Ability to resize columns.

  • Ability to sort ascending or descending on column headers.

  • Ability to move about your headers using the arrow keys.

  • When you select a line item, the row will highlight across the page, allowing for better accuracy and readability.

  • Ability to highlight a range of line items to either bulk edit or view the selected total. Additionally, you can copy the selected range of line items and paste them into a workbook in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. See our Keyboard Shortcuts article to learn more about different key clicks for multi-selecting.

  • When you leave this view, the format will persist. For example, re-ordered columns will be maintained and filters will remain the same when you re-open the view.

Schedule of Values

Old view

New view

What's new in Schedule of Values:

  • Ability to adjust row heights in the table.

  • Your totals now remain on the bottom of the screen while you scroll.

  • Use Group summary data now appears in context in the column headers.

  • Ability to resize columns.

  • When you select a line item, the row will highlight across the page, allowing for better accuracy and readability.

  • Ability to highlight a range of line items to either bulk edit or see the selected total. Additionally, you can copy the selected range of line items and paste them into a workbook like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. See our Keyboard Shortcuts article to learn more about different key clicks for multi-selecting.

  • Ability to move about your headers using the arrow keys.

  • When you leave this view, the format will persist. For example, the groupings will be maintained when you re-open the view.


Old view

New view

What's new in Markups:

  • Ability to collapse/expand column groups to maximize screen space.

  • Your totals now remain on the bottom of the screen while you scroll.

  • When you select a line item, the row will highlight across the page, allowing for better accuracy and readability.

  • Ability to configure pinned columns. You can unpin the columns by hovering over each header and selecting the ellipses to open the menu.

  • Ability to resize columns.

  • Ability to move about your headers using the arrow keys.

  • When you leave this view, the format will persist. For example, the groupings will be maintained and pinned columns will remain the same when you re-open the view.

Legend for Estimate Icons

Qty Column Icons

  • Beaker Icon: Opens up Formula Editor.

  • Cog Icon: Opens an Assembly.

  • Link Icon: Links you to the detailed line item in another part of the platform. For instance, from Detailed Summary, it links you to either Units or Rooms line items.

Use Group Column Icons

  • Cog Icon: Opens the proportional allocation modal to allow adjustments on how costs are allocated.


  • In the Line Items view, I am not seeing where the Use Group totals went to. Where are they located in the new view?

The Use Group totals were removed from the Line Items view. You can now filter on the right hand side by Use Group to get the totals.

  • Where is the Tree View in the Line Items view?

We have removed the Tree View from Estimates and transitioned our Filtering/Columns functionality to the right of the screen for Line Items. Please see our Filtering Line Items article for more information.

  • Why were the views updated?

We have introduced modern table interactions for easier use for our users. For example, getting rid of screen clutter, faster refresh speeds, and smoother and consistent scrolling. See the above sections to learn about the updates.

  • In the Line Items view, why is the Alternate column showing that it's filtered?

The Alternate column will always display a "filtered" icon on the header by default. This is due to newly accepted or unaccepted Alternates. Whenever an Alternate is accepted or unaccepted, the actual total line items on the status bar are “base line items” + “accepted alternate line items.” This can be re-filtered in the Filters/Columns section to the right of the screen, if needed.

  • I dragged and dropped a column out of view and it disappeared. How do I get it back?

You may have noticed you are able to remove columns by dragging them out of the table view and dropping them. In the Detailed Summary view, you will need to create a new view via Manage Views and then your refresh page. In the Line Items view, you will only need to refresh your page to recover the removed columns.

  • I love the new Table Settings in the Schedule of Values view! Will this be coming to the other views?

Yes! Table Settings will be introduced on all other views in the future. Stay tuned!

  • Will we be able to toggle on a "full screen mode" on the different views so we can hide all other aspects of the page and only focus on the table grid?

Yes! Full screen mode will be introduced to all views in the future. Stay tuned!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team and we'll be happy to help!

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